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Rev. medica electron ; 45(4)ago. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515360


Los estudios sobre figuras representativas de la medicina tienen dimensiones significativas en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la asignatura Historia de Cuba, para la formación del médico. En el presente artículo se pretende revelar la contribución de estas investigaciones en el sector de la salud. Para ello se realizó un análisis exhaustivo sobre fuentes bibliográficas y documentos rectores priorizados en el proceso de formación. Asimismo, se utilizó el método histórico-lógico para la evolución espacio-temporal del objeto de investigación. El estudio que existe sobre este tema es insuficiente, lo que condujo a la elaboración de una estrategia didáctica que propicie descubrir los aportes que realizaron en docencia, asistencia y ciencia un selecto grupo de personas, cuya impronta demuestra porqué constituye referente de obligada consulta para el proceso de formación. La incorporación de nuevas figuras ayuda a contextualizar el proceso y a la conformación de la identidad del profesional médico, con aportes, valores, modo de actuación y nivel de compromiso con la patria.

The studies on representative figures of medicine have significant dimensions in the teaching-learning process of the subject History of Cuba, for the training of the physician. This article intends to reveal the contribution of these researches in the health sector. For this an exhaustive analysis was carried out on bibliographic sources and guiding documents prioritized in the training process. Likewise, the historical-logical method was used for the spatial-temporal evolution of the research objective. The study that exists on this topic is insufficient, which led to the elaboration of a didactic strategy that allows to discover the contributions made in teaching, assistance and science by a select group of people, whose imprint demonstrate why they are referents of mandatory consultation for the training process. The incorporation of new figures helps to contextualize the process and the conformation of the identity of the medical professional, with contributions, values, mode of action and level of commitment to the homeland.

Medisan ; 26(4)jul.-ago. 2022. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1405834


En este artículo se resaltan las cualidades humanas y otros aspectos de la vida de quien fuera Vicedecana Académica de la Facultad de Estomatología y posteriormente Directora del Centro Provincial de Información de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba, en el período de abril del 2014 hasta abril del 2022. Se destacan los logros alcanzados a lo largo de su quehacer, desde que inició en la Universidad Médica hasta nuestros días, así como su valioso aporte a la docencia y a la formación de diversos grupos de educandos, además, se realzan los avances alcanzados en la revista MEDISAN en su etapa de Directora del Centro de Información hasta el día de su feliz jubilación.

The human qualities and some other aspects of the life of the Academic Vice-dean of the Estomatological Faculty and then the Head of the Provincial Information Center of Medical Sciences from Santiago de Cuba are highlighted in this work, in the period from April, 2014 to the same month in 2022.The achievements reached during her working life, since she began in the Medical University up to the present, as well as her valuable dedication to the teaching and training of different groups of students are presented, besides compiling achievements in journal MEDISAN during her leadership as Director of the Provincial Information Center up to the day of her happy retirement.

Women , Famous Persons , Schools, Medical , Periodical , Information Centers
Gac. méd. espirit ; 23(1): 88-103, ene.-abr. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1250009


RESUMEN Fundamento: Marcelino Weiss fue un reconocido estomatólogo que luchó para que el dentista fuera un médico especializado. Objetivo: Describir la vida personal y profesional de Marcelino Weiss y Gramatges y su legado a la estomatología de Sancti Spíritus. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio relacionado con la historia en ciencias de la salud, sobre la vida de Marcelino Weiss y Gramatges desde su nacimiento en Sancti Spíritus 1877 hasta su fallecimiento en La Habana en 1927, para lo cual se confeccionó una estrategia de búsqueda de la información, se consultaron bases de datos disponibles en el portal de Infomed. Se emplearon métodos del nivel teórico y métodos empíricos. Conclusiones: La vida y obra del Dr. Marcelino Weiss y Gramatges constituye un paradigma a seguir para las actuales y futuras generaciones de profesionales de la estomatología espirituana. Por sus valores, destacada labor patriótica, notable trayectoria asistencial, docente e investigativa, logró el reconocimiento y la admiración de todos.

ABSTRACT Background: Marcelino Weiss was a renowned stomatologist who fought for the dentist to be a specialized physician. Objective: To describe the personal and professional life of Marcelino Weiss y Gramatges and his legacy to stomatology in Sancti Spíritus. Methodology: A study related to the history of health sciences was conducted on Marcelino´s Weiss y Gramatges life from his birth in Sancti Spíritus in 1877 to his death in Havana in 1927, for that, an information search strategy was prepared, some databases available on the Infomed site were consulted. Theoretical and empirical methods were used. Conclusions: The life and work of Dr. Marcelino Weiss y Gramatges is a paradigm to be followed by current and future generations from Sancti Spíritus dental professionals. For his values, outstanding patriotic work, and remarkable care, teaching and research career, he achieved total recognition and admiration.

Teaching/history , Teaching Care Integration Services/history , History of Dentistry
Medisan ; 24(4)jul.-ago. 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1125146


La educación y los valores son dimensiones humanas ligadas recíprocamente. La educación constituye un bien en la medida en que facilita el desarrollo de la persona, en tanto los valores están incluidos en la educación, pues la sociedad ha apropiado los fines de esta, los cuales motivan y orientan la búsqueda inagotable de la perfección. En correspondencia con lo anterior, y sobre la base de lo teórico, en el presente artículo se buscó contribuir al perfeccionamiento ético-profesional y de los valores, en general, durante la formación inicial, continua y permanente de los estudiantes de Medicina, a partir de un enfoque educativo y del reconocimiento de los valores emergidos de figuras relevantes de las ciencias médicas, que pueden servir como incentivo en dicha formación, a fin de lograr un mejor desempeño humanista en el ejercicio profesional de los nuevos galenos.

The education and values are human dimensions reciprocally linked. Education constitutes a good value in the way that facilitates the person's development, as for values are included in education, since the society has kept the ends of this, which motivate and guide the inexhaustible search of perfection. In correspondence with the above-mentioned, and on the base of the theoretical matter, the aim of this work was to contribute in the ethical-professional improvement and of values, in general, during the initial, continuous and permanent training of medicine students, starting from an educational approach and the recognition of the emerged values of outstanding figures in medical sciences that can serve as incentive in this training, in order to achieve a better humanist performance in the professional practice of the new physicians.

Students, Medical , Professional Training , Famous Persons , Public Health , Cuba
Rev. medica electron ; 41(1): 4-16, ene.-feb. 2019. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-991321


RESUMEN Introducción: el desarrollo histórico de las Ciencias Médicas en la provincia de Matanzas ha estado indisolublemente unido a los profesionales de la salud que han tenido el honor de participar en la formación de las nuevas generaciones. Convirtiéndose así en protagonistas de la educación médica superior. Han transcurrido 50 años desde sus inicios en la provincia. Aunque en diversos artículos sobre el tema, se destacan nombres de algunos de sus profesores, no aparece una relación de manera organizada con el aporte de cada docente a la Educación Médica Superior en la provincia. Los autores consideran que la historia debe quedar escrita para que pueda ser consultada y conocida, y, sí en su escritura se cuenta con la presencia de sus protagonistas, adquiere entonces un carácter relevante. Objetivo: escribir este artículo ha sido el propósito del grupo de Ciencias Médicas de la Asociación de Pedagogos, que incluye además de sus nombres, una síntesis de sus principales aportes. Material y métodos: se utilizaron métodos del nivel teórico y del empírico como la revisión de documentos y las entrevistas. Resultados: en este trabajo se realizó un corte hasta noviembre del año 2018, por conmemorarse en el próximo enero el 50 aniversario de la Educación Médica Superior, en Matanzas. Se presentaron los aportes de 81 personalidades con sus síntesis biográficas, todos ellos considerados profesores de alto prestigio en Matanzas. Conclusiones: se presentó las síntesis biográficas de 81 personalidades de las ciencias médicas, de alto prestigio en Matanzas para contribuir al conocimiento de la historia de la docencia médica en la provincia.

ABSTRACT Introduction: the historical development of the Medical Sciences in the province of Matanzas has been indivisibly linked to the health staff that has had the honor of participating in training the new generations of health professionals, therefore becoming protagonists of the High Medical Education. Fifty years have passed since its beginning in the province. Although the names of some of them are highlighted in several articles on the theme, there is not an organized record with the contribution of each member of the teaching staff to High Medical Education in the province. The authors considered that the history should be written for it to be consulted and known; and if history is written by the protagonists themselves, it gets a more relevant character. Objective: to write this article has been the purpose of the Medical Sciences group of the Pedagogues Association. Besides the referred professionals´ name, it includes a synthesis of their main contributions. Material and methods: there were used methods of the theoretical and the empirical level like documental review and interviews. Results: November 2018 was the last date taken into account because next January will be commemorated the 50th anniversary of high medical education in Matanzas. The contributions of 81 personalities and their biographical syntheses are presented; all of the cited personalities are considered highly prestigious professors in Matanzas. Conclusions: the biographical syntheses of 81 personalities of the medical sciences with high prestige in the province of Matanzas were presented, to contribute to the knowledge of medical teaching in the province.

History, 20th Century , Education, Medical/history , Education, Professional/history , Faculty, Medical/history , Anniversaries and Special Events
Rev. cuba. farm ; 48(2)abr.-jun. 2014. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: lil-731966


El doctor Manuel Serafín Johnson Larralde se incorporó a la docencia en la Universidad de La Habana y al ejercicio de la profesión inmediatamente después de su graduación como doctor en Farmacia en 1883. Se presentan los principales datos sobre su trayectoria estudiantil en esa institución, la cual debió transitar con gran esfuerzo y perseverancia dada su condición de huérfano y la carencia de suficientes recursos económicos para abonar los pagos establecidos. También se ofrecen los detalles de su vida académica en la Universidad, marcada por reiteradas licencias que solicitó para viajar al extranjero por motivos de salud, según consta en su expediente administrativo. Se hace referencia a su destacado desempeño como propietario de una farmacia que llegó a convertir en farmacia-droguería, la cual logró prestigiar gracias a la profesionalidad de los servicios que se prestaban en ella. Johnson Larralde supo garantizar la formación universitaria de sus cinco hijos; cuatro de ellos farmacéuticos, quienes se convirtieron en continuadores de su tenaz dedicación a la especialidad. Por el legado que dejó tanto en la enseñanza universitaria, como en la práctica de la profesión merece un sitial de honor en la historia de la Farmacia en Cuba(AU)

Dr Manuel Serafin Johnson Larralde became professor at the University of Havana and began performing his profession right after graduating as Doctor of Pharmacy in 1883. This article presented the main data on his student life in that institution, which required a lot of efforts and perseverance since he was an orphan and did not have enough financial resources to pay the fees. It also provided details of his academic life at the University where one may see that he had to ask for permissions several times to travel to other countries because of health problems. Reference was made to his outstanding performance as the owner of a drugstore that became one of the most famous thanks to the quality of service rendered there. Johnson Larralde could guarantee the university studies of his five children who became pharmacists (4 of them) and continued the tenacious and devoted work of their father in this specialty. Taking into account his legacy in the university education and in the field of pharmacy, he deserves to hold very special place in the history of pharmacy in Cuba(AU)

Pharmacy , Education, Pharmacy/history , Famous Persons , Cuba
Psicol. argum ; 31(73): 355-363, abr.-jun. 2013.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-746349


A ideia da pluralidade em psicanálise é tipicamente junguiana. Jung, a partir da teoria dos complexos, desenvolveu seu trabalho dando prioridade ao inconsciente. É o fundo comum dahumanidade quem traz novas criações e possibilidades; e nós, junto com desenvolvimento pessoal, fazemos parte de uma base comum da humanidade: o inconsciente coletivo. Foi com esse conceito que Jung trouxe uma nova perspectiva de abordar a psique. Fenando Pessoa poeta recebe personagens, poemas e imagens do inconsciente, consegue acolhê-las e trabalhar com as imagens primordiais que lhes chega. Em suas obras, ao mesmo tempo em que o autor joga com o real e a fantasia, nos revela o surgimento desse sujeito múltiplo. A invenção dos heterônimos pelos quais assume identidades diferentes foi a resposta encontrada por Pessoa para a identidade cultural representada pelo sujeito unificado, em crise. Originados no espaço da invenção, os heterônimos explodem de maneira profética anunciando a fragmentação do indivíduo moderno. Ao nascer do fundo comum, Campos, Reis e Caeiro — manifestações sinceras — ganham vida própria e os diferentes “eus” são tratados como elementos autônomos. O poeta observa de longe, questiona sua unidade e se põe em processo. É um trabalho sem fim a tarefa das subpersonalidades em busca da unidade, da totalidade, tema que se faz presente em toda a sua obra. Jung assim como Pessoa concebe a psique como pluralidade e desconstrói a ideia de sujeito unitário. A partir dessa percepção se rompe o conceito de unidade da psique e a preponderância da vontade.

The idea of plurality in psychoanalysis is typically Jungian. Jung through complex theory developed his work giving priority, unconscious world. It is the common background of humanity that brings new creations and possibilities, and we are together with a personal development of a common humanity basis: the collective unconscious. It was with this concept that Jung has brought a new perspective to broach the psyche. Fernando Pessoa, poet receives characters, poems and images of the unconscious, welcome them and work with the primordial images that arrive. In his works, while the author plays with real and fantasy, reveals us the emergence of this multiple subject. The invention of the heteronymous, in which assumes different identitiesv was the answer found by Pessoa for cultural identity represented by unified subject, in crisis. Originated in the space of the invention, the heteronymous explode in a prophetic manner announcing the fragmentation of the modern individual. At birth of the common fund, Campos, Reis and Caeiro — "sincere manifestations" — come to life and the different "selves" are treated as autonomous elements. The poet observes from a distance, questions his unity and puts himself in process. It is an endless work the task of sub personality in search of unity, of wholeness, topic that is present in all his work. Jung as well as Pessoa, conceives the psyche as plurality and deconstructs the idea of an only subject. This perception breaks off the concept of psyche unity and the preponderance of the will.

Male , Unconscious, Psychology , Personality Disorders , Psychoanalysis
Rev. cuba. salud pública ; 38(3): 355-371, jul.-sept. 2012.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-659855


Se hace un breve recuento de los aspectos más importantes de la fecunda vida y notable obra del doctor José López Sánchez (1911-2004) como médico asistencial, administrador de salud, diplomático, militante revolucionario, profesor, investigador e historiador. Se da a conocer la amplia producción de literatura científica por él generada, con énfasis en sus contribuciones más importantes a las ciencias de la salud en general y a la salud pública en particular. Se destacan los trabajos de su autoría, que abarcaron más de seis décadas y se diseminaron principalmente en forma de monografías, libros y artículos en revistas cubanas y extranjeras, en los cuales puso al descubierto cuestiones inexploradas o poco conocidas por la comunidad científica nacional e internacional. En el caso específico de la salud pública, demostró las condiciones bajo las cuales se abrió camino la investigación científica en Cuba, las dificultades enfrentadas por sus precursores y los problemas que han debido solucionar sus seguidores desde los lejanos años de la colonización española hasta la época actual. Este legado bibliográfico orientado a generar nuevos conocimientos o a recrear los ya existentes, es digno de la consideración y el respeto de la generación actual y las generaciones futuras de salubristas y profesionales de la salud en general. El presente artículo pretende constituirse en modesta manifestación de reconocimiento a este artífice de la ciencia y la cultura cubana del sigo XX en el centenario de su natalicio

A brief account was made on the most important aspects of the fecund life and remarkable work of Dr Jose Lopez Sanchez (1911-2004) as physician, health manager, diplomat, revolutionary militant, professor, researcher and historian. The extensive scientific literature production that he was able to generate, making emphasis in his most important contributions to health sciences in general and to the public health in particular, was presented. Those works that covered more than six decades and were mainly disseminated as monographies, books, and articles in Cuban and foreign journals, in which he revealed unexplored or barely known issues for the national and international communities, were underlined. In the field of public health, he proved the conditions in which the scientific research paved its way in Cuba, the difficulties faced by the forerunners and the problems that their followers had to solve from the Spanish colonization times up to the present stage. This bibliographic legacy aimed at generating new pieces of knowledge or reliving the existing ones, is worthy of the consideration and respect of the present and future generations of public health professionals and of health professionals as well. This article intends to be a modest acknowledgement for this architect of the Cuban science and culture in the 20 th century to celebrate his 100 th anniversary

Bibliography of Medicine , Physicians/history
Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medicine and Brain Science ; (12): 1135-1138, 2012.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-431990


Objective To explore the structure of Chinese personality based on natural language and to develop a Chinese personality vocabulary data bank.Methods Based on the sub-factors of Chinese personality scale(QZPS),Chinese personality assessment inventory 2(CPAI-2) and Chinese personality five factors inventory (CPFFI),a self-reported personality questionnaire with 116 items was developed.An exploratory factory analysis and parallel analysis were made to the data collected from 1455 Chinese participants.Results A Chinese Personality Seven Factors Inventory (CPSFI) was developed,which included seven factors with 52 items.51.63% of the total variance of the seven factors was explained and the internal reliability coefficient was 0.800,while the internal reliability coefficients among the factors were between 0.663-0.912.The retest reliability coefficients of the factors were between 0.700-0.874 (P < 0.01).Conclusions Outgoing and emotion are the core contents of the crossculture personalities.Most of the factors in QZPS,CPAI-2 and CPFFI can be found in the seven factors structure,of which the structure is clearer.

Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 9(4): 460-464, oct.-nov. 2010.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-585165


Sergio Antonio Rabell Hernández (1933-2000) artemiseño, de origen social obrero, se vinculó al Directorio Revolucionario 13 de Marzo y al Movimiento 26 de Julio desde el golpe de Estado de Fulgencio Batista. Al triunfo de la Revolución, se incorporó a las Milicias Universitarias y concluyó sus estudios de Medicina en la Universidad de La Habana en 1960. Cumplió su Servicio Social Rural en Imías, Baracoa. A su regreso a la capital, se vinculó al hospital General Calixto García, donde permaneció hasta el final de sus días. En este hospital, desarrolló toda su actividad profesional como especialista de Medicina Interna e Intensiva, su actividad docente desde Instructor hasta Profesor Titular y su actividad política como Secretario General del núcleo de su área y Secretario del Comité de Dirección del Partido Comunista de Cuba del Hospital. Sus responsabilidades asistenciales y docentes, y su activa militancia revolucionaria no le impidieron continuar su superación profesional y alcanzó la categoría de Especialista de Segundo Grado en Medicina Interna y Doctor en Ciencias Médicas. Su permanente y mantenida contribución al desarrollo científico, la elevación de la calidad asistencial, la labor educativa y la construcción del socialismo en su patria, le hicieron merecedor de varias distinciones y reconocimientos nacionales y extranjeros. El 22 de abril de 2000 dejó de existir físicamente el prestigioso profesor de Medicina Interna, compañero y amigo e insigne iniciador de los cuidados intensivos en Cuba.

Sergio Antonio Rabell Hernandez (1933-2000), born in Artemisa and with working class roots, joined the March-13th Revolutionary Directory and the July-26 Movement since Batista's coup d'etat (1952). When the Revolution triumphed, he enrolled in the University Militia Units and finished his medicine studies at Havana University in 1960. Then he rendered his rural social service in Imias, Baracoa. After such period, he came to work at Calixto Garcia Hospital in Havana, where he stayed until his death. In this hospital, he developed his whole professional life, as a specialist of Internal and Intensive Medicine, as a medicine tutor -from the lowest to the highest teaching rank of Professor- and as a political leader. He was General Secretary of the Communist Party local in his working area, and later on the Secretary of the Directive Committee in the hospital. His medical and teaching workload, as well as his active party militancy did not stop him from professional upgrading. He became a Specialist of Internal Medicine, First and Second Degree; he also reached a PhD Degree in Medicine. Because of his persistent and permanent contribution to the medical scientific development and the improvement of the quality of health care; also because of his educational endeavor and his work in the building of socialism in his homeland, he deserved to be acknowledged and awarded on several occasions in the country and abroad. On April 22, 2000, the outstanding professor of Internal Medicine and pioneer of intensive care services in Cuba passed away.

Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 9(2)abr.-jun. 2010.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: lil-575780


Como resultado de una revisión bibliográfica realizada con el objetivo de resaltar los hitos más importantes que influyeron en el desarrollo de la Medicina en la etapa colonial, desde su inicio hasta la primera intervención del ejército de EE.UU., en 1899, se hace una síntesis de los momentos trascendentales de la organización de la salud pública en el período. Se enfatiza en las primeras medidas higiénico-sanitarias adoptadas y su implementación en diferentes fases; el inicio de la enseñanza de la Medicina y su posterior evolución; la fundación de los primeros centros docentes en el país, y el apoyo y promoción de sociedades económicas e instituciones científicas que brindaron un impulso al desarrollo de la ciencia, en general, y la Medicina, en particular. Asimismo, se hace referencia a las personalidades más significativas de aquel entonces, quienes por su acervo cultural médico, su ejemplo personal y sus aportes a las diferentes especialidades, constituyen referentes obligados y paradigmáticos de las Ciencias Médicas en Cuba(AU)

A literature review was carried out aining at highlighting the most important landmarks that influenced on the development of medicine in the colonial stage, from the beginning up to the first US Army intervention in 1899. A synthesis of the relevant moments of the organization of the public health in the period was made, with emphasis on the first adopted hygienic-sanitary measures and their implementation in the different phases; on the beginning of medical training and their later evolution; on the foundation of the first educational centers in the country and on the support and promotion given by economic societies and scientific institutions which offered an impulse to the development of science in general and of medicine in particular. A reference is also made to the most significant personalities at that time, who due to their for cultural and medical knowledge, their personal example and their contributions to the different specialties, constitute forced referents and paradigms of healthcare sciences in Cuba(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , History, Ancient , Colonialism , History of Medicine , Public Health , Famous Persons